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  • Download 597
  • File Size 122.14 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


VitalWatch alerts you to your own low or critical health or mana, or to a party member or pet's health, using any combination of a centered large font frame, emotes, sounds, and party messages. It's so simple, a picture would be useless as best it does is display a bit of text. It currently has these features:

- Displays a message at the top center of your screen in large font alerting you who (yourself, party members, pets) has low health.

- Message to party/raid/say (configurable) when you (or optionally another party member's health) are in low or critical health or mana.

- Voice Emote / Regular Emote automatically played ("healme", "helpme", "oom", etc.) when in low or critical health or mana.

- If not already using an emote, additionally a sound can be automatically played to alert you when you (or optionally another party member's health) have low or critical health and/or mana.

- Can also alert when party members, your pet, and party member pets have low/critical health with centered alert messages and/or a sound played. This can be toggled on/off.






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