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- File Size 61.00 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
vChat is a lightweight chat addon which customizes your chat. <u>Features</u>:
Change your Timestamp
Shorten channel names (e.g. [Guild] to [G]
Remove scroll buttons near the chat frame
Enables scrolling with mousewheel
Works well with WoWs class color settings etc.
You can change the addon settings with /vchat For class colored nick names please access the blizzard chat settings (right click the general chat tab). The following channels will be shortened:
[Guild] to [G]
[Officer] to [O]
[Party] to [P]
[Party Leader] to [PL]
[Raid] to [R]
[Raid Leader] to [RL]
[Battleground] to [BG]
[Battleground Leader] to [BGL]
[Raid Warning] to [RW]
This will remove a lot of characters so that you can see more useful information.