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- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
Vanas KoS is a Kill-on-Sight notifier, that uses every possibility, to detect nearby KoS targets, and notifies the user in different ways. Additionally it records PvP-Stats in outdoor PvP and shows these in the tooltip (configurable).
KoS List for Players and Guilds
Nice list
Hate list
Sorting of these Lists
All Lists are saved per realm
PvP Event Map
PvP Statistics
Golden Dragon around player portrait, if Player is on KoS List, Silver for Guild-KoS List, Red for Hatelist, Green for Nicelist
Modifies the Tooltip with the Reason you (may) give on adding a Player/Guild
Notifies you if a player on your KoS list is doing something near you (fight/buff/talk) in Chatframe, Upper Area and via Sound
Warning Frame that helps you to track hostile or friendly activity around you
Nice GUI - try /kos
Command line interface for managing KoS lists
Distributed Tracking - Other People help you tracking down your KoS-Targets
Minimap Button
Can dock itself into the Friends Frame.
Automatic synchronization with people on your guild
LibBroker support
Can add a context menu to the player portrait
Saves a list of the last attackers for easier adding via minimap button or libBroker
Automatic synchronization with others you request