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- File Size 55.29 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
QuickMountEquip - Automatically switch gear when you Mount / Dismount. Now support druid flightform!
No longer requires Cosmos!
* Whenever you Mount or Dismount it will automatically switch to the gear you specify.
* Full GUI to configure which gear to switch to. (/mountequip config)
* If you get automatically dismounted due to water, or running into buildings, etc... it will switch gear correctly.
* If you get dismounted while aggroed by a foe, WoW won't let you switch equipment. But as soon as combat or aggro is clear, it will automatically switch gear correctly
To Install, simply unzip into WoW's ADDON directory...
/mountequip - This is the main interface to the configuration options.
There are several options available: on, off, quiet, verbose, flightpoint, config, status, load, save, delete, profiles, detect
/mountequip config - This will open up the GUI interface to select which items you want equipped when you mount/dismount.
/mountequip on - Turns on the auto-equip functionality (default)
/mountequip off - Turns off the auto-equip functionality
/mountequip verbose - Informs you when it auto-equips items. (default)
/mountequip quiet - Doesn't inform you when it auto-equips items.
/mountequip status - Shows you the status of the settings, and a usage statement.
/mountequip save "ProfileName" - Saves the profile named "ProfileName"
/mountequip load "ProfileName" - Loads the profile named "ProfileName"
/mountequip profiles - lists all saved profiles
/mountequip delete "ProfileName" - Deletes the profile named "ProfileName"