- Version
- Download 130
- File Size 47.59 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
Opium is a tool for managing KoS lists, keeping track of PvP (and duel) stats and generally storing player info.
Some of its features, in brief:
* Player and Guild KoS (Kill on Sight) lists. There are several ways of adding to these lists. You can also use other (and custom) flags instead of 'KoS'. 'Friendly' is included by default.
* KoS lists can be sent to other players, if both of you have Sky (and Opium) installed .
* If you encounter a player you've designated as KoS, there are several ways Opium can let you know. Sound alerts, text alerts, and tooltip/targetframe text.
* Opium can keep track of who have killed you and who you have killed, and generate statistics for this.
* A list of players you've seen and their info (race, class, guild, guild rank, etc) can be stored. It's completely up to you who is stored, and there are functions to selectively search, sort and purge this list.
It's designed to be as flexible and as configurable as possible (always several ways of doing things, and everything is optional). It's a completely stand-alone AddOn, with myAddOns support, and should
work with any UI compilation (Cosmos, CTMod, Nurfed, Gypsy, etc).
Please read the readme.txt file included in the archive for more detailed documentation.