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- File Size 161.42 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
The addon is splitted in two main parts : Healers View, and Emergency View
- Healers view (only shows healers in your group/raid AND in the same channel) :
- You can configure how many healers you want to see in the list (from 1 to 16)
-> You can collapse the whole list with a small checkbox above the list (collapse = 1 healer in the list)
- Current mana bar in blue
- Cooldown of some spells (Divine intervention, Divine Shield, Innervate, Rebirth, Lightwell, Reincarnation)
- Healer that received one of the previous cooldown spells blinking in red
- Current spell the healer is casting with progression bar, and an estimation of the incoming heal value (computed using +heal bonuses, talents, and blessing of light)
- Current target for spell with health bar in green
-> Name of the target will scale from white to red, depending on how much your spell will overheal (red=100% overheal, white=0%)
- Short name of the spell, or spell failed reason if the cast failed
- When a spell cast completed, the healed value is shown (with a "C:" if the spell has crit)
- Emergency view (almost like CTRaid emergency monitor)
- You can configure how many targets you want to see in the list (from 0 to 6) -> Set it to 0 to fully hide the emergency list
- Targets that need to be healed, with name class-colored, and health bar in green (with missing HP or current health% if target out-of-raid or NPC)
-> Target name is shown in blue, if you are currently casting a spell on him
- Count of healers currently casting on this target
- Estimated incoming heal value (summ of all estimated heal on this target)
- Possibility to filter by groups and/or classes (configured in the options)
- You can clic a target to select it, or if you have CastParty installed, it will use Castparty buttons modifier
There are two sorting modes for the healers view, but you are always the first in the list :
- By casting order
1) First are healers with the same target than you
2) Then healers who's spell completed
3) Then healers who's spell will complete before the others
- By alphabetic order
You can change the sorting mode, by clicking on a column title :
- Clicking on "Healer's name column title" will sort using alphabetic order
- Clicking on any other column title will sort using Casting order
The emergency view is sorted like this :
- Players with less life (sorted by percentage), BUT if someone is casting on him the estimated heal value is added to it's current health
-> Someone with 10% life but +20% health incoming, will not show before someone with 20% life and no incoming heal.
If you click on a cooldown spell that is ready and castable on others (innervate/rebirth/divine intervention), you will send a request for this spell to it's owner.
The owner of the spell can :
- Automatically refuse all requests for this spell (configured in the options)
- Automatically accept requests from trusted healers (configured in the options - Configuration NOT YET AVAILABLE)
- Otherwise, a popup window with Accept/Cancel will be displayed, asking for auto-cast of the spell on who
If the owner automatically accepts this spell or clicked on the Accept button, the spell is directly casted on you
You can now request a spell, even if you don't have Healers Assist installed !
All you have to do is write a macro with inside :
/script SendAddonMessage("HealAss","<HA7>09"..''.."16"..''.."Kiki","RAID")
You just have to replace "Kiki" by the name of the player you want to request a spell (WARNING, Case sensitive !!), and change the SpellCode (the "16" value) according to :
- Innervate : 16
- Rebirth : 17
- Divine Intervention : 81
- Blessing of Protection : 87
- Mana Tide Totem : 63
- Light Well : 48
- Power Infusion : 50
The main window can be automatically opened when you are in a group/raid (configured in the options)
You can assign a key to "open main window" and "open options window", from the Shortcut menu
By clicking the "Rest" checkbox (topleft of the window), you notify other healers that you enter a mana regen cycle. While you stay in this mode, your mana bar will be flashing in the Healers list.
You'll leave this mode (and informing other healers) :
- If you uncheck the box
- If you start casting a spell
- If your mana bar is full