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  • Download 65
  • File Size 29.69 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


Contains several parts:
GTS_Core - this is the main part of the addon that contains all the standard functions for GTS package.
GTS_BankScan (BS) - allows to scan characters possessions (including personal possessions and content of the bank) and parse it for the web site. Consists of 2 parts: WoW addon part and executable application for data parsing.
GTS_IncomingMail (IM) - Keeps track of every received item in local database, also gives capability to parse that data for web site. Consists of 2 parts: WoW addon part and executable aplication for data parsing.
GTS_OutgoingMail (OM) - Keeps track of every sent item in local database, also gives capability to parse that data for web site. Consists of 2 parts: WoW addon part and executable aplication for data parsing.
GTS_GuildRosterScan (GRS) ? Scans the guild roster including character name, class, level, rank, professions*, main-alt relations*.
* - only if GTS specific guild note is filled out by player.
As of version 3.0 GTS is fully compatible with GuildBankManager (GBM) by Marshall "Silverwings" Radziwilko. A PHP application to manage guild bank items online, GBM Enables the user to show guild items in Bank, Incoming Mail, Outgoing Mail and more...
Even though GTS can be used as a stand-alone solution, I highly encourage you to use GBM, it simplifies upload and enhances the output by adding search, sorting and more.
Note that I have not participated in cration of GBM and will not be able to help you with any questions and/or concerns you have about this application. All questions about GBM should be directed to GBM?s author, Marshall "Silverwings" Radziwilko.






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