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  • Version
  • Download 69
  • File Size 67.00 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


IMPORTANT INFO: GuildMap has become an Ace2 Addon. The most recent version is no longer hosted here but you need to download it from http://www.wowace.com/files or use the WInAceUpdater utility.

Ever stood in Orgrimmar or Ironforge knowing that your guild members are there, but just couldn't find them?

This addon displays all guild members (or friends) that are also using the addon on the worldmap and also in the minimap if they are near you.

Due to the missing game API functions for this purpose, the display is not as accurate and smooth as for party or raid members, but it helps to find your mates without having to group.

Please note that everyone in your guild you want to see, needs to have this addon or you will not see each other!

To install, just unzip the file to your World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns directory. The addon will start working automatically. There are no configuration options, just have everyone run it and you're good to go.






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