- Version
- Download 65
- File Size 307.75 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 20, 2017
- Last Updated January 20, 2017
This AddOn allows you to create/schedule/manage future raid instance directly in-game. Players can register (join) and reserve a room for your instance, or cancel subscription. You can setup a maximum players for your event, as well as the min/max per class or role.
When a player wants to join and there is no room left for his class, he is put in a ''substitute'' queue, waiting for someone to cancel his subscription. The leader of an event does not have to be logged in for a player to subscribe.
This addon has been designed to help guilds to schedule events, and its member to say ''*I'll be there*'', and count the number of players that are ok for an instance. It does work for multiple guilds (kind of Alliance of guilds), if you want, or even with your friend list.
All dates are stored in universal time, and displayed in local time, so if someone creates an event in a different timezone than yours, you will see the correct time on your side.