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  • File Size 4.95 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


Tired of going to the demon trainer and struggling to remember which grimoires you had the money to purchase last level? Tired of blowing soul shards only to see "Already Known" on every book? Then Grimoire Keeper is for you!

Simply unzip this handy little add-on into your World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns directory and login. When you summon a demon, Grimoire Keeper's tiny little gnomes will interrogate it using top-secret techniques to learn its level of mastery for all spells. They'll then write down that information for that character, storing it securely in your per-character SavedVariables file. Any time your demon learns a new spell, our gnomes will re-interrogate it for added thoroughness. When you visit the demon trainer, the gnomes will spring into action, bustling up to the interface panel with BLUE CRAYONS to color all the books that your demons know blue. Books you can't learn yet will remain red, which leaves you, the fortunate warlock, to select which of the white books you'd like to buy. Don't worry, the crayon washes off before the next person tries to buy anything. No property is permanently damaged.

Grimoire Keeper is dependent on no additional mods and settles comfortably into the background, requiring little to no maintenance on your part. Just be sure you summon each demon once before visiting the trainer, for maximum utility.






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