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  • File Size 25.46 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


This World of Warcraft addon makes flying around the world of Azeroth a
little easier.

It automatically learns flight paths as you talk to flight masters, including
any future flight paths Blizzard may add. It also comes with a list of flight
paths, zeppelin routes, and boat connections that you can load if you desire.

FlightPath has the following features:

o  Known flight masters show up on your zone maps. Hovering your mouse over
the icon displays all the connections available from that flight master.

o  An on screen arrival time countdown is displayed while in flight once
FlightPath has learned the time it takes to make the trip.

o  When talking to flight masters, the time needed to make each trip is
shown in a tooltip as you hover over each destination.

o  You can bring up a dialog that allows you to query connections by typing
'/fp' at the WoW chat prompt (bindable to a key). You can then click on
the connections that are displayed in the dialog and the view switches
to the clicked location. If you right click on a connection, the map for
that zone will open with the flight master's location highlighted.

o  Many of the travel paths around Azeroth have been supplied. You can load
these with the '/fp load' command if you don't want to learn them all

There is no configuration needed. Just unzip the files into the WoW
InterfaceAddonsFlightPath directory and log in.

FlightPath learns new flight paths when you talk to a flight master. The
duration for each flight is not recorded (or known) until you actually fly
the route. You have to have either flown to a destination or talked to the
flight master there before FlightPath can learn that flight master's
location for display on the zone map.

Every time you talk to a flight master, the prices are checked and updated
in the event you have achieved a faction discount.






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