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  • Download 133
  • File Size 26.24 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 20, 2017
  • Last Updated January 20, 2017


This addon adds totem timers and totem stomper functionality to FlexBar. You can use it to place duration timers for current totems to 4 FlexBar buttons of choice. Additionally, you can add an event on your totem buttons that will put them in a sequence, so you can drop 1-4 totems of choice by repeatedly pressing one button. The button itself will actually display the next totem, so you always know what you're going to drop. The stomper considers which totems are currently active, the cooldowns of totems you want to drop and also the duration left on the current totems in case you want to replace them before they expire.

For people that have experience with FlexBar, this means they can add this functionality to any totem grid they may have designed, which is the original goal of this addon. People that are inexperienced with FlexBar however, can set up the default configuration with a single command (/flextotem default), which will set up a totem grid with timers and a stomper button.






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