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- Create Date January 19, 2017
- Last Updated January 19, 2017
Druid Bar, v3.26
Druid Bar is a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even in a shapeshifted form like bear or cat. remember that this addon is an estimation of your mana, and it could be slightly higher or lower depending on your level(Lower levels will have more problems since there is much less room for error with their smaller mana pools).
If you've used previous versions(<3.0) of DruidBar...
My suggestion to you is this: Completely remove the previous version of DruidBar. Delete it. empty that trash can. Then load up the game once. Then, log out and install DruidBar 3.0. Log back in, and configure to your liking. Why should you do it this way? Well, a few of the Saved Variables stayed the same, but most changed. If you just added the new version, you'd have a ton of variables just junking you up. So might as well start from scratch, eh? Of course, you COULD just try adding it as is....who knows what trouble it could cause? mwuahahahahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Slash Commands: /druidbar or /dbar
parameters: [on/off/toggle/vis/width/height/hide/lock/replace/player/text/message/status]
Explination of the parameters:
On/Off/Toggle: This will toggle running of the addon. toggle switches between on and off.
Vis: This will enable or disable any and all graphical stuff. if you use with other addons like StatusBars or Linoleum, turn it off. If not, leave it on ^^
Width (#): This will let you set the width of the bar. Default is 160px.
height (#): This will let you set the height of the bar. Default is 18px.
percent: This toggles between 3 options: Showing Raw mana, showing %Mana, and showing both. Works for both the normal bar and Replace.
hide: This will toggle on/off the hiding of the bar when in caster form.
full: This will toggle on/off the hiding of the bar in animal forms when your mana is at 100%
lock: This will toggle on/off locking the position of the bar.
replace: This will replace the Player Frame's mana bar, splitting it into two when shifted.
player: This will make the bar show up directly under the Player Frame. You know, where a lot of other addons like to place your Experience Bar.
Text: This will toggle between 3 options: No text, "Classic" text, or "Modern" Text. (Modern having a border, Classic having no border). This option carries over for both the normal bar and the replaced bar.
Message (toggle/bear/cat/aqua/travel) (say/party/raid/emote) (message): Message allows you to customize saying when you shift into/out of a form. More of a novelty item I did for a guildie, it's here in case you want it too. More in-depth info about the message parameter:
/dbar message toggle: This will toggle messages on and off. Default off.
/dbar (bear/cat/aqua/travel) (say/party/raid/emote) (message): This will set the
message for the feral form you choose, in the channel you choose. for example,
choosing /dbar bear say "rawr, imma bear!" will make you say that when you shift
into it. make sure ya get the format right, 'else it'll yell at you!
Status: This will list the status of all the toggles in your chat window. Simple, Easy, Effective.
Best: This will try to determine which is the best travel form for you to be in; Mounted, Cheetah, or Aquatic.
kmg: This will try to replace the MiniGroup window's mana bar with a split-screen bar like with replace.
Debug: dumps some junk into the chat frame to help me(and you) figure out why the bar is not subtracting the proper amount of mana.
ez: turns off ezshift. lame.