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  • Create Date January 19, 2017
  • Last Updated January 19, 2017


1. What is Doctor Druid?

It´s a comprehensive set of commands which ie. automatically choose the rank for a healing spell of buff. The built-in Innervate-function won´t innervate classes that don´t use Mana at all. Different feral attacks have been unified to very few kews. And even more!

First of all, the author of this addon wants to minimize the amount of necessary key bindings without reducing the druids actual functionality.

2. Installation

1. Unpack/move folder "DoctorDruid" to "World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns".
2. Usually this addon should be automatically active. In case it is not: Start WoW, get to your list of characters and click at "AddOns" in the left bottom corner. There you can activate "Doctor Druid".

3. How to use Doctor Druid?

There are two ways to use the function this addon provides. The built-in way is to bind keys to its functions the same way you would bind keys for movement and so on.

But the keys you bound to DoctorDruid´s functions this way won´t be available for any other functions when you shifted into cat form or bear form. Because of this it´s probably a good idea to create macros(, choose some nice icons) and copy and paste one of the commands listed below this section. Move these macros to your main hotbar, for this bar is going to change when shifting into cat/bear form.

PLEASE NOTE: Most commands listed here will not work for the German client of WoW. You can find all German commands in this addon´s German ReadMe.

4. Commands   Description/Explaination: /dd   Opens a settings window.   /dd help   Lists all commands ingame.   /dd motw   Mark of the Wild. Rank is being chosen dynamically, meaning: maximum rank castable on a certain target is being calculated. If there´s not enough Mana, the rank gets reduced as far as required to cast this buff.   /dd thorns   Rank is being chosen dynamically.   /dd roots   Entangling Roots with optional dynamic rank selection - can be chosen in setup for PvE as well as PvP, where rank 0 means: The more Roots are being casted on current target per minute, the lower the rank would be. If you untarget the current target or if you get out of combat mode, data will be resetted and highest rank is being chosen next time you cast this function.   /dd ht   Healing Touch: Rank is being chosen depending on how much damage the target currently has.   /dd ht+   Same as /dd ht, but the rank is going to be increased by up to 2 in certain situations.   /dd regrowth   Regrowth: Rank is being chosen depending on how much damage the target currently has.   /dd regrowth+   Same as /dd regrowth, but the rank is going to be increased up to 2 in certain situations.   /dd rejuv   Rejuvenation: Rank is being chosen depending on how much damage the target currently has.   /dd maxheal   Switch for Rejuvenation and Regrowth, in order to cast the highest possible ranks once/twice/always, ignoring how much damage the target currently has. This setting is being saved when you log off.   /dd removepoison   Druids got two spells to cure poison. Multiple curing only works for targets with level 16 or higher. This function is going to choose the single curing spell for targets below level 16.   /dd cursepoison   Remove curses or poison with just one key.   /dd rebirth   Dynamic rank Rebirth. In combat it will try the highest available rank of Rebirth, while outside combat it will try the lowest rank. It also checks if the player has the reagent required for that rank - in case there´s any Rebirth-reagent in your inventory, there will always be a Rebirth. If the player isn´t in combat mode, there´ll be another check if a current target is currently fighting. If it is, the highest Rebirth rank will be chosen, too.   /dd rebirth1   Same as /dd rebirth, but if there´s a cooldown and you´re inside a group, it would notify your group. It will, however, NOT notify anyone if you´re resurrecting someone. (Technical reasons)   /dd rebirth2   Same as /dd rebirth, but if there´s a cooldown and you´re inside a raid, it would notify your raid. It will, however, NOT notify anyone if you´re resurrecting someone. (Technical reasons)   /dd innervate   Innervate without any notice. (Silent)   /dd innervate1   Innervate with whispered notice.   /dd innervate2   Innervate with group-notice.   /dd innervate3   Innervate with raid-notice.   /dd innervateself   No matter which target you currently have, this will Innervate yourself without any notice. (Silent) NOTICE: Any combo-points for your current target will be lost when this function is called.   /dd innervateself2   Self-Innervate with group-notice.   /dd innervateself3   Self-Innervate with raid-notice.   /dd caster   Shift back from any form to your caster form.   /dd caster+   Same as /dd caster, but if you´re currently in caster form, it will cast Nature's Swiftness.   /dd bear   Shifts the druid into his bear form, but not back into his caster form. (If the druid currently uses another shape, this function will get him back to his caster form on first use. Second use is going to transform him into a bear.) You may optionally set a second function in Bear settings that´ll be used when you activate this function while you´re already in Bear-Form.   /dd cat   Almost the same as /dd bear - for cat form. You may optionally set a second function in Cat settings that´ll be used when you activate this function while you´re already in Cat-Form.   /dd moonkin   Almost the same as /dd bear - for moonkin form.   /dd travelaquatic   Shift to travel form OR aquatic form. In order to do this, this function will just try both shiftings - only one is going to work, whereever you are.   /dd travel   Almost the same as /dd bear - for travel form.   /dd aquatic   Almost the same as /dd bear - for aquatic form.   /dd totem   INTELLIGENT Totem-Moonfire script. It´s never going to target any mob whose name contains "totem".   /dd catmulti   If you´re visible, this function will start prowling. While prowling, this function will make you cast an opener (Pounce or Ravage, consult settings to set this up) on a target. While in fight, a finishing-move is being casted, which can also be determined in settings. If you´re not in cat form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd catmulti2   Same as /dd catmulti, but if you´ve been prowling for more than 3 seconds, and in case you currently don´t have any target, it will stop prowling, while /dd catmulti wouldn´t do that.   /dd stopstealth   If activated, it stops prowling (in cat form) or Shadowmeld (for nightelves). Will not reactivate them.   /dd catinfront   Uses several cat attacks used when you´re in front of your target. If you got 5 combo points, one of your finishing moves is being casted, depending on how long the fight will most probably take. If you´re not in cat form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd catbehind   Uses several (more powerful) cat attacks used when you´re behind your target. If you got 5 combo points, one of your finishing moves is being casted, depending on how long the fight will most probably take. If you´re not in cat form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd catinfront+   Same as /dd catinfront but also calculates the time the fight will take, in order to cast early finishing-moves (with less than 5 combo points), if it would end the fight most probably.   /dd catbehind+   Same as /dd catbehind but also calculates the time the fight will take, in order to cast early finishing-moves (with less than 5 combo points), if it would end the fight most probably.   /dd bear1   Will primarily use bears abilities made for single targets. If you´re not in bear form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd bear2   Mostly uses bears abilities to generate aggro on several targets at once. If you´re not in bear form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd bear3   A special, almost freely configurable key. Possible (multiple) bindings: Enrage, Feral Charge, Challenging Roar, Bash, Frenzied Regeneration (70+ Rage and <70% Health). If you´re not in bear form, this will cast Faerie Fire.   /dd bear4   Function for maximum Aggro generation on a maximum amount of mobs. It´ll spam Demoralizing Roar and Faerie Fire with an internal cooldown of 5 seconds each. If there´s more than 25 Rage left, it´ll also activate Swipe and Maul at once. If it´s a big group of mobs that also spreaded around you, you should change your target often in order to swipe each mob. There also is a programmed balance between Demoralizing Roar and Maul/Swipe working as long as your rage is below 70. If it´s higher than 70, this function will do anything to reduce rage.   /dd bearexchange   Exchanges Bear keys 2 and 4, which can also be done in your Bear settings. This function, if bound to a key, will just be a faster way to do it.   /dd faeriefire   Will cast Faerie Fire (or Feral Faerie Fire) for most forms. If that casts normal Faerie Fire and you don´t have enough Mana for the highest rank, the rank will be reduced so all Mana left will be used to cast it. PLEASE NOTE: This won´t do anything when you´re in Travel-Form or Aquatic Form, since there´s no Faerie Fire for these forms.






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