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  • File Size 496.25 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 19, 2017
  • Last Updated January 19, 2017


* Configscreen with /dhud menu or via Minimap Button
* Health/Mana Bars change color according to how filled they are
* All Bars are animated
* Shows Level, Name, Class ans Elite/Boss, Pet, NPC
* Support for Telos Mobhealth / Mobinfo2 / Mobhealth2.
* 4 Alpha Settings for: Combat / Target selected /
No Target / Player is regging
* 4 Displaymodes for Health / Mana
(1 = 100%, 2 = 456, 3 = 456/1023, 4 = no Display)
* Many positioning and Scaling Options.
* Hide Blizzard Player / Targetframe
* Target Menu with Rightclick on Targetname
* Player Menu with Rightclick on Playername (F11)
* Castingbar with Casttime
* Option to hide Petbars
* Option to hide Targetbars / Text
* Compatible with any WoW Language Versions
* myAddons Support
* all Options can be changed with /dhud Slashcommands

* Skin Support (Different Layouts and Graphics)
* Change Textcolor on Barvalue
* User can change Barcolors
* Show Target PvP Status
* Show Target PvP Rang
* Show Groupnumber in Raids
* Show Resting Status
* HP / Mana Displaymodes with Variables
* Show own Buffs/Debuffs
* Druidbar Support
* Display Target of Target

Known Bugs:

2006.04.20 (v0.86)
* fixed DHUD init
* Bliz. Castingbar turned on when DHUD Castingbar is off

2006.04.19 (v0.85)
* fixed Bar/Casting Bug

2006.04.19 (v0.84)
* fixed Scaling over 1.5 (HP/Mana Text wrap problem)
* fixed Minimapbutton Clickable Area
* fixed Barbackground when Dead
* Player / Target rightclick Menu optimized
* added Casting Bar
* added Casting Time / Delay
* added reset Button to Menu
* Option to change Fontcolors
* Option to change Fontoutlines
* Option to Hide Petbars
* Option to Hide Targetbars / Text

2006.04.11 (v0.83)
* DHUD runs now on all WOW Language Versions
* myAddons Support
* Mobhealth2 Bugfix (DHUD now hides Mobhealth2 Targethp when
Blizzard Targetframe is hidden)
* (experimental) DHUD dont show Blizzardframes when they are
Disbaled by DUF, Nymbias Perl Unitframes, Classic Perl Unitframes
* Minimap Button to show Optionsframe
* Support for Telo's Mobhealth

2006.04.08 (v0.82)
* Many new positioning Options.
* New Textures.
* Small Bugfixes.
* Option to Hide NPC.

2006.04.05 (v0.81)
* Slash Command: /dhud bplayer - Blizzard Playerframe on / off
* Slash Command: /dhud btarget - Blizzard Targetframe on / off
* Some Event Optimizing.
* Target Menu with Rightclick on Targetname
* Player Menu with Shift Rightclick on Targetname

2006.04.01 (v0.8)
* Configscreen: /dhud menu

2006.03.20 (v0.72)
* Code Cleanup.
* Small Bugfixes.

2006.01.21 (v0.65)
* Added Support for Playerpets.
* Slash Commands: new Commands for changing x and y offsets.
* Slash Commands: new Commands for changing fontsizes.
* Optimized some Code.
* Updated Textures.

2006.01.18 (v0.61):
* Bugfix: After Login the Playerhealth was Displayed wrong sometimes.

2006.01.18 (v0.6):
* Support for Mobhealth2 / Mobinfo2.
* Slash Command: /dhud regalpha 0 - 1
* Slash Command: /dhud reset
* Slash Command: /dhud showlevel
* Slash Command: /dhud showname
* Slash Command: /dhud showclass
* Slash Command: /dhud showelite
* Slash Command: /dhud playerdisplaymode 1 - 4
* Slash Command: targetdisplaymode 1 - 4
* Baroutlines now hide when Player is Dead.
* New Alphamode regalpha added.
* more Code optimizing.
* Slash Command now give feedback.

2006.01.17 (v0.5):
* HUD leaves Combatmode only when Health and Mana are full.
* Slash Command: /dhud combatalpha 0 - 1
* Slash Command: /dhud nocombatalpha 0 - 1
* Slash Command: /dhud selectalpha 0 - 1

2006.01.16 (v0.41):
* Fixed Bug in Line 260
* 0.5 Scale works now

2006.01.16 (v0.4):
* Rage & Energy are now real Values instead of Percent.
* Slash Command: /dhud scale 0.5-2 to scale entire HUD.

2006.01.16 (v0.31b):
* Removed "0" Level when no Target selected.

2006.01.16 (v0.3b):
* First public Release.






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