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- File Size 99.04 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 19, 2017
- Last Updated January 19, 2017
This mod attempts to 'detach' all your minimap buttons, allowing you to place them anywhere on your screen. Positions are saved per server/character and restored next login.
This is the first version of this mod, I am sure not all kinks are worked out. I have tested it only with the mods I have, so please let me know which mods create buttons that I cannot detach so I can load them and see what-is-what.
Not all minimap buttons are detected at start up (such as FuBar plugin mods, which has its own moving anyway). A slash command is provided so you can rescan for buttons: /dmbs. This will also reposition any buttons it failed to find at startup.
Special thanks to AnduinLothar without whose code and ideas in Mobile Minimap Buttons I would not have thought of this.
Very special thank to acruz2772 on wowinterface for guiding me to changes for TBC! His excellent explanation made things much easier!
Slash Commands:
/dmbs : look for new buttons.
/dmbs nodock : buttons will NOT try to dock to Minimap when close to it.
/dmbs dock : buttons will try to dock to Minimap when close to it. This is default.
/dmbs reset : reset all buttons back to initial positions.
/dmbs config: bring up UI