- Version
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- File Size 2.32 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 19, 2017
- Last Updated January 19, 2017
Chat CopyCat allows you to (automatically) copy chat from one channel to another. You can choose to copy only 1 player or the whole channel.
If you have any suggestions or bugs, please let me know! I plan to add a few more features in later versions, including support to let someone else participate in your guild chat for example.
Usage and commands:
Type /ccc or /chatcopycat to show help.
- Type /ccc on|off to enable/disable.
- Type /ccc channel <channelname> to set the channel to copy from.
- Type /ccc output <channelname> to set the channel to output to.
- Type /ccc copy <playername> to set the player to copy. Use * to copy everybody.
- Type /ccc includechannelname on|off to broadcast channel name.
- Type /ccc includeplayername on|off to broadcast channel name.