Vanilla Herbalism Guide – Alliance

Note: This is a guide tailored to players on legacy and wow vanilla servers looking to max out Herbalism. It may work on some TBC servers, but there aren’t many of those anyway. If you are looking for the HORDE guide – please see here.

A few benefits to choosing Herbalism in vanilla WoW (not sure how it is now as of this posting):

  • Maxing out herbalism in vanilla provides the “Lifeblood” ability. Lifeblood is on a 3 minute cooldown and serves as a unique HoT (Heal over Time) for herbalists only.
  • Lifeblood grants a certain percentage of your maximum health over 5 seconds.

At one point, there were also mobs in Outlands that you could use herbalism on (similar to skinning) once killed. Now without much chit-chat, we can get into our herbalism guide so you can get to making some flasks.


Herbalism Leveling 1-60 : Elwynn Forest

As soon as you pick up Herbalism on alliance, you can head right over to Elwynn forest to level herbalism. Collect any Peacebloom and Silverleaf you can find. Southwest of Goldshire is typically a pretty good spot for peacebloom. (Loch Modan also has a lot of Silverleaf near the trogg island(s), but it is quite a run. Below is a picture for an Elwynn Forest herbalism leveling route.

Alliance Herbalism Leveling Elwynn Forest

As you level up your Herbalism in Elwynn Forest you will be able to start picking more of the herbs that you come across here. For example, once your skill reaches 15 you will be able to gather Earthroot, which is a herb most commonly found near rocks, hills or mountains.  This herb will be more prone to give you a skill up than Peacebloom and Silverleaf since it requires a higher skill level to pick. For this reason, starting at skill level 15 you should start patrolling around the hills and mountains.

Herbalism Leveling 60-100: Westfall

Once your skill reaches 60, it will be time to leave Elwynn Forest and head over to Westfall. In Westfall you will find Silverleaf, Peacebloom, Mageroyal, Briarthorn and Bruiseweed. At first you will only be able to gather the Silverleaf, Peacebloom and Mageroyal; however, once your skill hits 70 you will be able to gather the Briarthorn. Briarthorn is the main plant you will want to focus on (as well as Mageroyal) for raising your skill at this point.

Peacebloom and Silverleaf herbs can be found all over Westfall. You will want to gather this and any Mageroyal you find until your skill is 70. Once you reach 70 you will be able to gather Briarthorn which will help to very quickly raise your skill. The best places I’ve found to gather Briarthorn and Mageroyal is the southern and western parts of Westfall. Below is a picture to better show you the locations you’ll want to run back and forth between.

Herbalism Leveling 60-100: Duskwood

 These 3 locations will give you enough Briarthorn and Mageroyal to get your skill up to 100. Once your skill reaches 100 then it will be time for you to switch zones and head over to Duskwood.  In Duskwood you will find more Briarthorn and Mageroyal as well as Bruiseweed which will be your best source of skill ups for awhile. There are three places in Duskwood which you will want to run back and forth between, a picture of these three places is below.

alliance herbalism guide duskwood

You’ll want to start gathering any Brairthorn, Mageroyal or Bruiseweed you find around Raven Hill and then move south-east to Vul’Gol Ogre Mound. Here you will find Briarthorn, Mageroyal and Bruiseweed as well as some Kingsblood, which you will need 125 skill to collect. The good thing about the Ogre Mound is that there is so many herbs here, usually at least 2 – 7 at all times. After you finish at the Ogre Mound you will want to head  east to The Yorgen Farmstead and gather whatever you find here.

Also, one of the better aspects about being Alliance is that you will be able to gather a unique type of herb at Raven Hill which requires 120 Herbalism – Gravemoss. Gravemoss will give you the extra boost you need to get to 125, when you can gather Kingsblood and to 150 when you can switch zones. And, if you’re looking to sell the herbs you collect Gravemoss will net you a good price on the Auction House as well.

Herbalism Leveling 100-200: STV / Stranglethorn Vale

Starting at 160 herbalism on alliance, you will be able to gather Fadeleaf which is a somewhat rare herb found in these parts, but is rather valuable. From skill level 160 to 170 you’ll want to hug the rivers/bodies of water but also run more in-land for any Fadeleaf and Kingsblood that you see. You may also occasionally pass a Wild Steelbloom but they are much more rare in these parts.

Starting at 170 herbalism skill, you will be able to gather Goldthorn. Goldthorn is kind of uncommon in this area but not nearly as much as Wild Steelbloom.  Goldthorn can be seen on the map above as the little yellow circles and dots. In your adventures around this area you will want to visit all of these places as much as possible to ensure you get quick increases off the Goldthorn.

You will want to farm the Goldthorn until your skill reaches 185. Once you’re at 185 you will be able to collect the last herb located in upper-STV and that is Khadgar’s Whisker. From this point on you will want to farm all the herbs you come across in STV until your skill reaches 200. Once your skill reaches 200 you will want to leave STV and head over to Swamp of Sorrows.


alliance herbalism guide vanilla

In Swamp of Sorrows you will be gathering Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar’s Whisker and Liferoot until your skill reaches 235. Once you reach 235 you will be able to gather an herb called Blindweed. Blindweed is everywhere in Swamp of Sorrows and really doesn’t have a static “golden” spot as many other herbs do. Blindweed is great because it will take you all the way up to 300 which will help make your life so much easier.

TIP: If you ever get bored of Swamp of Sorrows, any time your skill is over 230 you can head just south into the Blasted Lands and gather the Firebloom, Sungrass and an occasional Gromsblood.

Now for the rest of Azeroth you won’t have to worry about switching zones. When you’re done here and your skill is 300.

Note here: You can also farm around the outer edges of Azshara, Blasted Lands and Ungoro Crater to get to 300. This will also make you some decent money.

Have some comments or changes to make to one of our guides? Let us know in the comments and we will get right on it!





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