Tip: It is always a good idea to watch a movie or listen to music while farming. If you don’t have a TV near by you can always just play WoW in windowed mode and watch a movie over WoW in window’s media player. Just right click a playing movie “More Options > Player > Player Settings” Check the box “Keep Now Playing on top of other windows”. In VLC: Video > Check “Always on top”
Mining Quick Facts:
- Copper Vein (0)
- Tin Vein (65)
- Silver Vein (75)
- Iron Deposit (125)
- Gold Vein (155)
- Mithril Deposit (175)
- Truesilver/Dark Iron Deposit (230)
- Small Thorium Vein (245)
- Rich Thorium Vein (275)
Elysium Mining Guide: 1-65
Starting Area’s / Smelting Copper Vein (0)
This part is easy. Find any caves / mountainous terrain in a starting area or just after and mine away. Durotar is always excellent for horde. Elwynn Forest for Alliance. If you have spare gold you could chance buying some ore off the auction house and just smelting for some free skill ups.
66-125 Southern Barrens
47,85 (1 min x3 spawn) Copper/Tin Vein (65)
The veins in this area are on their own timer separate from the rest of the spawn locations in The Barrens. Three individual nodes spawn in this area on their own 1 minute separate timer. Stay around here and just farm them.
126-175 Alterac Mountains (Random spawns)
Iron Vein (125)
The path at which you decide to take is not a big deal here. These spawns are completely random and repop in a new position every 5min a 33sec just as some other veins. No secret here. Area’s marked with a red ded indicate that those spawns should only be checked every once in a while as they are quite out of the way. These are all the spawns I found from 126-175
176-245 Thousand Needles
69,86 (5min 33sec x3 spawn)
Ooze Covered Mithril Vein (175)
Yes it is quite annoying that not only does Mithril go green at 225, but I want you to run all the way back to Thousand Needles as well and skill up to 245. Guaranteed spawns are better than running around randomly, at least to my knowledge. There seems to be no suitable replacement until 245. Unless you’re a hunter or a class that can solo farm BRD Dark Iron Veins, or if you just choose to run around Searing Gorge from 230245 that’s fine. Make sure to fly to Gadgetzan, Tanaris and run to this location, not Freewind Post, Thousand Needles, its faster. There is also a slight chance at Gold/Silver Veins replacing the Mithril Vein in this area.
Silithus (Path)
Small Thorium Vein (245)
This is the best path for small thorium veins. It is also a decent path for farming thorium in general however these are not rich veins. So the value of the area takes a hit. Great place to level up to rich thorium veins though. I would recommend just riding this place to 300 if that is your only goal. If you are in it for Arcane Crystals or Thorium Ore, I would suggest going to farm rich veins in another area. You’ll hit 300 after this no matter what you do.